Text-Mining Tools: Feminism and the Impact of Female Leadership

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For my final project, I am focusing on the Feminist Movement and how it impacted Women in Government Positions/Elected Officials. I felt from the historical beginnings of the Women’s Suffrage Movement to the present conditions: women trying to break the glass-ceiling and the most female elected officials in history… Women have progressed by leaps and bounds throughout a span of several centuries, and it is important to shed light on the beginning, the journey, and to the present (but not the end).

In this chart, I used text-mining tools from the source ‘Time Magazine Corpus’ and searched both terms “feminism” and “female elected officials.” From the time span of the 1920s where feminism was just catching attention to the 1990s when feminism was truly spreading itself into various areas of human nature: the workforce, government, shifting roles in the household, etc. Women have progressively gained a voice and a role in society as seen from the chart above. In the 1920s, women were just starting to break the barriers as elected officials in government and within the feminist movement. Jeannette Rankin of Montana was the first female elected official in 1916 as a U.S. Representative and was one of the votes included in the 19th Amendment to grant women the right to vote. During the 1920s, the Women’s Suffrage Movement was slowing down due to World War I. In the 1990s, the trend of feminism hits a high. Feminism is talked about on Broadway, in literature, and was also referred to as witchcraft by a border patrol. It is becoming a social trend and more commonly expressed in society.

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