We live in revolutionizing times… There is no doubt the United States is making extreme jumps to become competitive globally with our countries in a market-based economy. Whether it is ensuring all children are taught STEM Programs in school and taught programming from kindergarten through a senior year in high school or the bio-engineering professionals making headway in new technology… We are about to form a completely tech-junkie filled nation.
In a country that was one day founded on completely separate principles, to a country that had to create an Industrial Revolution to become in a Neo-Classical Market Economy judged as adequate, I do think it is an important American Revolution to maintain our drive and determination to ever-change our nation to solve some of America’s most complex problems. These problems are solved by science and technology.
In my opinion, I have no problem with the ethics and morality between scientists and bio-engineers creating solutions to medical problems in the form of creating artificial body parts. I have previously stated, my sister has Type-1 Juvenile Diabetes, and I would love nothing more for her to have an implanted, fully-functioning artificial pancreas in her body. This is THE ONLY WAY a Diabetic will have a cure anytime soon.
In these newly structured “learning environments,” I highly encourage a child to be taught to program. I think it can only benefit them in the long run, and the child might have a true talent or interest in pursuing the subject in college. With that being said, in college I do not think it should be mandatory for a student to learn coding. This should only be mandatory in K-12. I believe at 18-years-old an individual knows what it is he or she wants to dive into, or has a rough idea about their future aspirations. A Government major or English major does not need to be reprimanded for choosing this outlet to pursue their future and educational interests. There is still a need for a liberal arts career. No politician making legislation to impact our future will need to know how to code, and I cannot see the extra piece of coding knowledge helping their job positions either.