Women Wear the Pants in Government: Historical Argument

Feminism is defined as a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. In 1848, a group of women from all backgrounds met at the first Women’s Rights Convention, the Seneca Falls Convention, to discuss an abnormal concept for that day and time: granting women voting rights. The formation of the Women’s Suffrage Movement spearheaded the Feminist Movement. Without granting women the right to vote with proper legislation, the 19th Amendment, women would never have been awarded with other opportunities such as leaving their kitchens during World War Two and hitting the factories to replace the men.

With the formation of the Women’s Suffrage Movement, women were able to lobby, advocate, and spread awareness in an organized fashion that it was time for the dynamics to change for female representation in government. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, one of the leaders of the Women’s Suffrage Movement, ran for the House of Representatives in 1866. She ran on behalf of the state of New York and only received 26 out of the 12,000 votes cast. Ms. Stanton was determined to not let the mere fact women were not even allowed to vote at the time defer her passion for the cause: she still wore the pants!

Within this website, “Women Wear the Pants,” it shows how throughout history in the Feminist Movement, women actively held a voice in government even if men were persistent on taking away females’ First Amendment rights. In the beginning of the Women’s Suffrage Movement, women were just trying to obtain Suffrage Laws per state and achieved that within the years of 1893-1917 (as shown in the section ‘Buttoning’ in the states’ rights map). The first female to ever run for President was Victoria Woodhull in 1872 on the Equal Rights Party Ticket but did not win. The defeat from that year to 1884 when Belva Lockwood was the first woman granted to practice law under the Supreme Court and ran for President under the Equal Rights Party Ticket and did so again four years later.

Once the 19th Amendment was ratified in 1920, it opened the gateway for the National American Woman Suffrage Association and a few members formed the League of Women Voters. The 19th Amendment paved the way for the first female United States Senator and first female Governor. Female government leadership increased dramatically within even a decade after being granted voting rights.

The 19th Amendment was the first mention of females in government or having a voice in government, so for the 19th Amendment to increase female government officials was a natural progression to occur in history and the Feminist Movement. Now in the year 2013, we are focusing on the near-futuristic possibility of our first female President in the United States. Women like Hillary Rodham Clinton who went from a Senator to Secretary of State are catching headlines for the position of our first female President to run in 2016. Women were treated like a minority in American Politics, and with now women are given the loudest voice in history. There is currently no Matriarchy System in the United States, and the chance of having a female President will not override the system. It takes numbers to overturn a societal trend, and the 19th Amendment has helped a minority have an equal role in society. Female leadership is an important aspect in American Government, because Women’s Rights is such an important aspect in different social and health care agendas for politicians.

‘Women Wear the Pants’ Website is an important advocacy web page established to argue an important angle in the Feminist Movement. This argument is proven by the use of collaborative data and pieces of information throughout history compiled on the website. For future preservation of the entire website, I will actively work to preserve my website by saving my data and exporting the pages to documents on my computer. The documents will be saved under individual files on my computer to keep the web pages and separate charts and maps organized. Also, I will make copies of my data to ensure they are replacable if something were to become erased on the web. For the web page exportation, they will be linked as a series of files to easily access and download to my laptop. If something happens in one part of my laptop, I will additionally have the exported files saved in another part of my hard drive as a back-up plan. Over time, I feel this method is the best for my project’s security and safety.

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